A Day in Paris

So I’ve been gone for quite a while now..

What have I been up to?

I disappeared off the radar back in October after I signed myself up for a TCF examen “Test de Connaissance du Français” at the Sorbonne University in Paris. Cue complete geek breakdown. For the geek in his life my boyfriend bought me the two requisitory revision books for this exam for our three-year anniversary (two spent in France – time flies!!). Maybe some girls would be a little bit disappointed with this kind of gift but I think I ate the first one over one weekend.. It was so long since I had a real academic project with a deadline that I just threw myself headfirst, evenings were spent with my old study playlists booming in my headphones while I devoured le subjonctif, l’imparfait, le passé, pourquoi cet nom est féminin et pas masculin ? etc.

I took the TGV at an ungodly freezing cold hour in the morning for an exam beginning at 10am in the 5th arrondissement.. Continue reading

Au revoir l’automne

With balmy temperatures followed by windy tempests I have come down with a lovely angina. The joys of Autumn in France; they love a good extreme climate here in Reims. Around this time of year we can lose or gain ten degrees in the space of a week.

Not so good for the immune system! So instead of a nice relaxing weekend eating good food and drinking luscious red wine I spent the weekend asleep on various belle-famille’s couches. After drinking no wine due to antibiotics and tasting not very much due to a very blocked nose! C’est la vie…

However I did get the chance earlier in the week to photograph the last vestiges of Autumn before she is clutched from my grasp by the cold hands of Winter.

Voilà !


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Little Urban Details

Today I found myself with the desire to search for les petits urbains détails and I wasn’t disappointed! It’s a nice way to get reacquainted with where you live and I also discovered lots of bands, events, political zines, and weird little french panneaux etc.


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